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Prof. Dr. İlhan Şahin’s Conference on “Nomads: Their Emergence, Lifestyles, and Dynamic Elements”

Prof. Dr. İlhan Şahin’s Conference on “Nomads: Their Emergence, Lifestyles, and Dynamic Elements”

Since its inception, the Turkish Historical Society has actively engaged in cultural and artistic endeavors alongside its scientific research in Turkish studies and history. Inheriting the value that our Society’s founder, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, placed on the fields of science, culture, and art, our Institution has initiated a series of Science, Culture, and Art Conferences to commemorate the 100th anniversary of our Republic. These conferences comprehensively address these subjects over an extended period and our country’s accumulation in the fields of science, culture and art is being evaluated.

As part of the conference series, Prof. Dr. İlhan Şahin, a faculty member at Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, will give a lecture titled “Nomads: Their Emergence, Lifestyles and Dynamic Elements” on Friday, May 24. The event, which will take place at 15:00 in our Society’s conference hall, is open to public participation.

Prof. Dr. İlhan Şahin

Prof. Dr. İlhan Şahin completed his undergraduate education in 1974 and his doctorate in 1981 at Istanbul University. His research primarily focuses on Ottoman socio-cultural and administrative history. Prof. Şahin has authored numerous publications and projects and has participated in international congresses addressing topics such as culture, civilization, and nomadism.

He served as a visiting researcher at the University of Wisconsin in the United States, as well as at Ritsumeikan and Meiji Universities in Japan. He also worked for many years at the Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University. Prof. Şahin is an honorary member of Toyo Bunko, one of Japan’s prestigious academic institutions, and he is a full member and vice president of CIÉPO, an international academic board specializing in Ottoman history.

Prof. Dr. Şahin is recognized for his contributions to the study of Ottoman social and economic history. He serves as the co-editor of nearly 20 publications, a substantial number of which focus on the cultural and civilizational values of the Altai people. Currently a faculty member in the History Department of the Faculty of Letters at Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, he continues to engage in comparative studies on the history of nomadism.