Kurumumuz tarafından 2025 yılında verilecek olan lisans bölümleri ve burs kontenjanları belirlenmiş olup ilgili bölümleri tercih eden öğrencilere en düşüğü aylık 1.500 TL olmak üzere 6.000 TL’ye kadar lisans burs desteği sağlanacaktır.
YKS (Higher Education Institutions Exam) Success Ranking Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students enrolled in history, history education, and designated social science departments as determined by the Board of Directors and outlined in the table below. Candidates who are placed in one of their top three choices for 2024 and rank within the top 30,000 in the YKS (Higher Education Institutions Exam) are eligible to apply for the scholarship. The scholarship amounts are tiered based on YKS performance, with four levels of funding: 6,000 TL per month for those ranked 1 to 1,000; 4,500 TL per month for those ranked 1,001 to 5,000; 3,000 TL per month for those ranked 5,001 to 15,000, and 2,250 TL per month for those ranked 15,001 to 30,000.
Placement Ranking Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students who are admitted to history departments at universities in 2024 and achieve the highest score within their department based on their YKS (Higher Education Institutions Exam) results. Recipients of the Placement Ranking Scholarship will receive a monthly award of 1,500 TL.
Undergraduate Programs Eligible for Scholarships: History, History Teaching, Archaeology, Art History, Archaeology and Art History, Anthropology, Geography, Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science, Political Science and International Relations, and International Relations.
Applications for undergraduate scholarships, effective January 2025, will be accepted in October 2024. The announcement regarding the scholarships and the application timeline will be published on our Society’s official website and social media accounts.
2025 Domestic Undergraduate Education Scholarship Quota Table:
Announced to the relevant parties and the public.
For detailed information: https://ttk.gov.tr/burslar/
Contact: burslisans@ttk.gov.tr