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Our Honorary Member Prof. Dr. Karjaubay Sartkojauli Passed Away

Our Honorary Member Prof. Dr. Karjaubay Sartkojauli Passed Away

We received with deep sorrow the news of the passing of one of our Honorary Members, the esteemed Kazakh Turkologist Prof. Dr. Karjaubay Sartkojauli. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and our community, and we pray for divine mercy upon the deceased.Kurumumuzun Şeref Üyelerinden Kazakistanlı değerli Türkolog Prof. Dr. Karjaubay Sartkojauli’nin vefat haberini üzüntüyle aldık. Merhuma Allah’tan rahmet, yakınlarına ve camiamıza başsağlığı dileriz.


Prof. Dr. Karjaubay Sartkojauli completed his undergraduate studies at the Mongolian National University. He completed his doctorate at the Leningrad Institute of Oriental Studies between 1985-1988. He worked for many years at the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. He was a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Mongolia. Since 2010, Prof. Dr. Karjaubay Sartkojauli has been the Director of the Scientific Research Center for Turkology and Altai Studies at the L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University.