Our Society, in collaboration with Lomonosov Moscow State University, jointly organized the International Conference on the 250th Anniversary of the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca. The conference commenced with opening remarks by HE Prof. Dr. Derya Örs, President of the Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language, and History; Prof. Dr. Yüksel Özgen, President of the Turkish Historical Society; Ruslan Grigoryeviç Gagkuyev, President of the Russian Historical Society; and Prof. Dr. L. S. Belousov, Dean of the Faculty of History at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The event was also graced by the Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to Moscow, Dr. Tanju Bilgiç.
Prior to the conference, during which Turkish and Russian scholars presented their papers, Prof. Dr. Derya Örs and Prof. Dr. Yüksel Özgen visited Prof. Dr. L. S. Belousov, Dean of the Faculty of History at Lomonosov Moscow State University, at his office.
International Conference Held for the 250th Anniversary of the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca