Centennial Library Opened at Dokuz Eylül University
The thirteenth of the “Turkish Historical Society Centennial Library” that our institution is establishing in all universities across the country was opened at Dokuz Eylül University with the participation of Turkish Historical Society Vice President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yunus Pustu, Dokuz Eylül University Rector Prof. Dr. Bayram Yılmaz, administrative and…

Events Commemorating the 102nd Anniversary of Izmir’s Liberation Were Held
On the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the liberation of Izmir from enemy occupation, the opening of the “September 9, Liberation of Izmir Panel” and the exhibition “The Western Front in the War of Independence: Photographs from the Archives of the Turkish Historical Society” was held. This event was…

Centennial Library Opened at Ege University
The twelfth of the “Turkish Historical Society Centennial Library” that our institution is establishing in all universities across the country was opened at Ege University with the participation of Turkish Historical Society Vice President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yunus Pustu, Ege University Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Budak, Vice Rectors, administrative and…

Turkish Historical Society Centennial Library’ Opened at Afyon Kocatepe University
The eleventh of the “Turkish Historical Society Centennial Library” that our institution is establishing in all universities across the country was opened at Afyon Kocatepe University with the participation of Turkish Historical Society President Prof. Dr. Yüksel Özgen, Afyon Kocatepe University Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Karakaş, Vice Rector Prof. Dr.…

Events Commemorating the 102nd Anniversary of the Great Offensive Were Organized
The inauguration of the "Turkish History's Turning Point: The Great Offensive and August 30 Panel," alongside the exhibition titled "Western Front in the War of Independence: Photographs from the Turkish Historical Society Archives," was conducted by our institution in collaboration with the Afyonkarahisar Governorship and Afyon Kocatepe University. This event…

Proceedings of the 19th Turkish History Congress Have Been Published
The proceedings of the 19th Turkish History Congress, which upholds a significant tradition in Turkish historiography, have been published in electronic book format. To access the book: https://ttk.gov.tr/ttk-e-kitap/

85th Anniversary of Hatay’s Accession to the Motherland Panel Was Held
The “85th Anniversary of Hatay’s Accession to the Motherland Panel” organized by our Society in collaboration with the Hatay Governorship, Hatay Metropolitan Municipality and Hatay Mustafa Kemal University was held with the participation of provincial protocol and Hatay residents.

“Turkish Historical Society Centennial Library” Opened at Hatay Mustafa Kemal University
The tenth of the “Turkish Historical Society Centennial Library” that our institution is establishing in all universities across the country was opened at Hatay Mustafa Kemal University with the participation of Turkish Historical Society President Prof. Dr. Yüksel Özgen, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Rector Prof. Dr. Veysel Eren, Library Department…

50th Anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation and Cyprus History Symposium Organized
On July 19, 2024, our Society organized the “50th Anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation and Cyprus History Symposium” in Kyrenia. The opening speeches were made by the President of Turkish Historical Society, Prof. Dr. Yüksel Özgen, former Minister of Culture of the TRNC, İsmail Bozkurt and Retired Brigadier General…