International Conference Held for the 250th Anniversary of the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca

International Conference Held for the 250th Anniversary of the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca

Our Society, in collaboration with Lomonosov Moscow State University, jointly organized the International Conference on the 250th Anniversary of the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca. The conference commenced with opening remarks by HE Prof. Dr. Derya Örs, President of the Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language, and History; Prof. Dr. Yüksel…
The 44th Issue of Belgeler Journal Has Been Published

The 44th Issue of Belgeler Journal Has Been Published

The 44th issue of Belgeler, the journal that brings the written documents of Turkish history to light, has been published. To access the latest issue and get detailed information about the journal:
14th Issue of Höyük Journal Has Been Published

14th Issue of Höyük Journal Has Been Published

The new issue of our Höyük journal, which brings together archaeological discoveries and original articles in the field with the world of archaeology and art history, has been published! To access the articles:
Andalusia Workshop Organized

Andalusia Workshop Organized

The Andalusian Workshop, organized by our Society under the theme “Andalusian Heritage: History, Culture, and Encounters”, commenced with an opening speech by Prof. Dr. Yüksel Özgen, President of the Turkish Historical Society. The workshop, which featured two simultaneous sessions in the conference halls of our institution’s campus, was attended by…
Turkish Historical Society Centennial Library was opened at Kırklareli University

Turkish Historical Society Centennial Library was opened at Kırklareli University

The twentieth of the “Turkish Historical Society Centennial Library” that our institution is establishing in all universities across the country was opened at Kırklareli University on November 7, 2024. The opening ceremony, attended by Prof. Dr. Yüksel Özgen, President of the Turkish Historical Society, Prof. Dr. Nurettin Aka, Vice Rector…